Woodbury Aquatics, LLC about me  .JPG

I love the water! I grew up around a pool, the lake, swim team, and I was a Disney lifeguard! So it was only natural that I wanted Sawyer to love the water and be comfortable in it just as much as I am! At 6 months old, I put him into lessons. I was so excited I asked, “when will he learn to float?” She said, “Not till he is 36 months.” I knew right then by that age it would be too late because drowning is the number one cause of death from ages 1-4. I did research on swim programs and ISR (Infant Swim Resource) came to my heart! I took a leap of faith and interviewed with them last May 2019. I got accepted but put it on the back burner!! I am a mom, a business owner, and a wife. How on earth can I do this!! How on earth do we have the money to take this leap and journey to the unknown. I kept the program in my heart and decided to put Sawyer in it. I was determined Sawyer was going to become an ISR student! It didn't matter the money or distance it would take to make Sawyer safe in the water! So I committed to driving him 60 minutes one way 5 days a week for 5 weeks! During Sawyer’s lessons, something was still on my heart and a voice inside my head wouldn't let me get rid of the thought of ISR training! Brittany you are APPROVED for the job, why are you holding yourself back!

I prayed a lot about it, and I talked a lot about it! And then I talked some more! I knew God planted it on my heart for a reason because he literally wouldn't let me get rid of this! I couldn't get this program out of my heart or my head! 

In the fall of 2019 I made the choice to get trained, but I decided to travel to one of the best! Indiana didn't have a master trainer, so I already had to travel anyway. If I was doing this, I only wanted to get trained by the best! I went through a lot last year but one thing that kept me going was this dream God planted in my heart for a reason! Here we are at the end of training and a business was formed. 

In the Summer of 2020, I was off to Boca Raton, Florida to be trained by the best in the business for an 8-week training program. Training wasn’t easy, but then again if it was easy there would be more ISR instructors.  Many hours went into training time studying, videos, papers, hands-on training, and many tears. 

My mission with ISR is to make sure, “Not One More Child Drowns!” Who is ready to take that step with me to save the lives of children right here in Randolph County